PPR Elite offers various training programs for every level of fitness. Whether you are a beginner, an elite athlete, or a gym bro who wants to hone their craft- we have what you need to succeed!

Here at PPR Elite Training,

Our purpose is to dispel common misconceptions in the fitness industry and help other navigate through the muddy waters together. 

We aim to help people improve their health, feel more confident in their appearance but overall: enhance the way they feel. PPR Elite empowers others. 

You can put your trust in PPR Elite for scientifically backed recommendations, well-structured training programs tailored specifically for you, and for useful information regarding fitness in order to make meaningful lasting change in your life.

What we specialize in:

-Education in fitness and nutrition

-Step by step form instruction for lifting weights

-Body recomposition

-Strength/power gain for ADL’s or sport performance

-Macro coaching: How to track macros and why they are important when lifting weights

-General public health: Living a healthier lifestyle while making aesthetic gains along the way

-Weight training (must have access to dumbbells/kettlebells/barbells/plates)