When starting a new workout plan for yourself, the first step is selecting exercises that you ENJOY and that are SPECIFIC to your goals. I recommend choosing 2 exercises from each of the 6 main movement pattern categories to perform each week.
The 6 main movement patterns for strength:
1) Squat
Goblet, Back, Front, Split, Zercher, Lunge, Step-Up, Sumo
2) Hinge
Deadlift, Bridge, Thrust, Good Morning, Swing, Single Leg
3) Push
Bench, Strict, Push-Up, Push Press, HSPU (handstand push-up)
4) Pull
Rows, Pull-Ups, Pull-Downs, Pull-Overs
5) Carry
Suitcase, Farmers, Waiters, Rack, Turkish Get Up, March
6) Core
Plank, Side Plank, Paloff Press, Leg Raise, Twists, Chops